Of Migraines and Headaches
Headaches are not so specific signs for every condition or sequelae. Even for list of side effects of medication use, you find headache as copiously as nausea. With specific allusion to migraine, we have a disorder that consists of recurrent headache. These episodes may involve some other sensory symptoms or aura like nausea, sensitivity to light etc. There is more propensity for women to develop migraines than men.
There is the increased risk of developing migraine if a first degree relative already had it e.g mother to child, sibling to sibling etc. Various dietary, environmental and behavioral factors may also lead to onset of migraine attacks in those already genetically predisposed.
An increasing body of knowledge now supports the effectiveness of natural medicine in the management of headache disorders. According to GD' Andrea et al. 2014, the constituents of petasites hybrids, tanacetum partenium and gingko biloba have demonstrated clinically acceptable anti migraine action. To prepare Gingko biloba extract,
1). Get about 50g of dried gingko biloba in a blender.
2) Measure 400ml of 100-proof vodka and add with the dried gingko leaves. Blend until well combined and leaves are very fine.
3) Put the two (vodka and blended leaves) in a large mouthed jar & close tightly. Leave in a cool, dark place for 2-6 weeks shaking the jar daily.
4) Strain liquid by filtering, fill several glass jars and take with food for best results.
The above isn't usually recommended for children less than 4 years old. Merci!
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