Ginger, the handy remedy for cough and cold

 Cough, especially the chronic one that persists for more than 8 weeks is formidable for both the affected and the clinician. As annoying and discomforting as coughing could be, it serves as an essential reflex to clear out excessive secretions and debris that have accumulated in the respiratory tract. A study by Won et al (Korea National Health and Nutrition Exam Survey) showed that chronic cough would severely hamper the quality of life, QOC.

This brings us to the utility of Zingiber officials, ginger; which is considered the holy grail of fortification against cold, flu and respiratory tract infections. The lower respiratory tract infections usually carry cough along; and ginger dey slow the ginger of the swagger of the cough, lol! Ginger extract already combined with water showed good demulcent, antimicrobial and antioxidant property according to ICST 2021. This means that it would quite easily relax the airways, soothe the respiratory tract and prevent the accumulation of substances that inflame or irritate the respiratory system. In fact, Safa et al, 2020 found some utility of ginger in minimizing the clinical manifestations of patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome due to Covid-19.

Now, here is a recipe of ginger that would help boost your immunity and counteract cold plus cough symptoms. Fresh ginger root, lemon, honey and boiled water are needed.

1) The fresh ginger should be shredded by grating. Remember "o we loju o ta lenu".

2) The ginger should be on the assembly ground with lemon and honey. But now, they are all in a cup not a ground.

3) The cup would be filled with boiled water and covered for 15 minutes.

4) Agitate wella but don't burn your tongue. So calm down and enjoy when it is warm or semi-hot. But, don't wait till it is lukewarm or cold oh! That would be worse. I guess you know what warm is.

Merci, au revoir!

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